速報APP / 家庭 / Hectoc






版本需求:Android 4.0.3 以上版本



聯絡地址:14645 SW 49 ST. Miami, FL, 33175 Florida, United States


Hectoc: The valid operations in hectoc are addition, subtraction, division, multiplication and exponentiation. It is also valid to use parenthesis to explicitly denote precedence by grouping parts of the expression that should be evaluated first. In the game you are supposed to drag the mathematical symbols and specify where are they going to be inserted by moving the tip of your finger to the desired position. You should solve the random generated problem in less than 100 seconds and as fast as possible to get the maximum number of points.

History: You just paid 40 cents of Cuban pesos to get into a bus that takes you to the University of Havana. For sure, you are going to be standing the entire trip and there is not much to do. Luckily for you, your classmate, Yusnier Viera, came out with an addicting way to have fun. In the ticket (hectoc) you received when you got into the bus there are 6 digits. Your task is to use them in the order they come and insert some mathematical symbols so that the result of the expression you manage to build is 100. Yusnier has already solved the puzzle in his ticket (with 123456 he made 1+(2+3+4)*(5+6)=100) and if you don't hurry up he will finish yours before you do, and will start asking strangers for their tickets.



