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The Career Education Association of Victoria is a not for profit association that has a purpose of the advancement of education for the public benefit, particularly in relation to career development. It is a member of the Council of Professional Teaching Associations of Victoria (CPTAV). CEAV Inc was incorporated in 1975 and has a proud 40 year history of service to schools and the community. In 2014, the CEAV Inc commenced trading as The Australian Centre for Career Education.


CEAV Inc supports clients to access career education, quality career development services school programs and products. The CEAV supports career development as a lifelong process. This is achieved through the development and delivery of ethical and professional career education, careers counselling services, programs and products.

The CEAV provides consulting services to government, industry, not for profit organisations and charities, schools and other educational and training institutions.

We conduct a 2 day short course program for new career practitioners called the Introduction to Career Development Practice in February and June each year or when required. We also hold a three day Conference every second year.
