速報APP / 商業 / Agiliron POS | Point of Sale

Agiliron POS | Point of Sale



檔案大小:3.4 MB


版本需求:需要 iOS 7.0 或以上版本。與 iPhone、iPad 及 iPod touch 相容。


Agiliron POS | Point of Sale(圖1)-速報App

The Agiliron POS is a powerful, elegant and easy-to-use cloud-based iPad & iPhone Point of Sale (POS) system. As a component of the “Agiliron Multi-Channel Commerce Solution Suite”, it is quick to setup and enables businesses to leverage the end-to-end platform to “Sell More in More Place. But Manage in One”.


+ Easily setup POS for multiple Retail Stores in seconds, Add new Checkout Lanes for a Retail Store with ease - Scales with the needs of your business.

+ Attending Tradeshows or Events - your POS can travel with you and Process Orders.

+ Integrated Credit Card Processing available through Intuit Payment Services and MercuryPay

+ Manage Product Inventory and Pricing for each store through a single Unified Back-Office.

+ Real-time capture of all POS transactions into the Agiliron CRM and Back-Office.

Agiliron POS | Point of Sale(圖2)-速報App

+ Security: PCI Level 1 Compliant, 99.5% Uptime SLA.


+ Can support Unlimited number of Stores, Locations and Checkout Lanes.

+ Assign Products and Pricing Information for each Retail Store.

+ Real-time Product Information and Inventory Count available in the POS.

+ Customizable Quick Access Buttons for Top-Selling Products & Categories (110 buttons available) – enables quick selection of items to the customer order.

+ Add items to each order using Quick Access buttons, Barcode Scanning or entering Product Name or Product Code.

Agiliron POS | Point of Sale(圖3)-速報App

+ Easily modify Quantities, Pricing and apply Line Item or Order Discounts.

+ Sales Taxes automatically calculated based on Tax Rate assigned or Real-time Sales Tax Lookup

+ Receipts can be Printed or Emailed to customers on checkout.

+ Select Customers for B2B Sales and Charge to Account

+ Capture Line item or Order Notes for Special Orders

+ Accept Ship Orders for Shipping to Customer Location

+ Continue to Transact "Offline" if Internet Connection is not available and Sync to Server when back Online

Agiliron POS | Point of Sale(圖4)-速報App

+ Leverage the Sophisticated Inventory Management and Order Management capabilities of the Agiliron Solution Suite.

Agiliron POS | Point of Sale(圖5)-速報App

支援平台:iPhone, iPad