速報APP / 旅遊與地方資訊 / MapCo Guide: Tokyo Disney

MapCo Guide: Tokyo Disney





版本需求:Android 4.3 以上版本


MapCo Guide: Tokyo Disney(圖1)-速報App

The MapCo Guide app is a location based guide to the attractions in Tokyo Disney and DisneySea. The app tells the user their proximity to all of the different locations in the park, from nearest to furthest, and provides detailed information on each activity. The specific attractions can be clicked through and are wired with a live Google map, which gives detailed directions to the attraction, and the app has a link to the park's weather as well. The app can be used as a walking guide, as one can simply start with the attraction closest to them and keep going, and can be used to help plan one's trip. Also, the attractions have a live YouTube which gives a video describing the ride, so you can know what you are getting into.

MapCo Guide: Tokyo Disney(圖2)-速報App

Attractions profiled in the app: Jungle Cruise, Pirates of the Carribean, Big Thunder Mountain, Peter Pan's Flight, Cinderella's Castle, Space Mountain, Splash Mountain, Haunted Mansion, It's a Small World, Fortress Explorations, Tower of Terror and Toy Story Mania. Note that for the map to work, we had to use the Japanese translation in the header. We show the English translation in parenthesis.

MapCo Guide: Tokyo Disney(圖3)-速報App

Buy tickets in advance.

MapCo Guide: Tokyo Disney(圖4)-速報App


MapCo Guide: Tokyo Disney(圖5)-速報App

No registrations, no ads, no pop-ups and no sharing of location. Have fun.

MapCo Guide: Tokyo Disney(圖6)-速報App

MapCo Guide: Tokyo Disney(圖7)-速報App

MapCo Guide: Tokyo Disney(圖8)-速報App

MapCo Guide: Tokyo Disney(圖9)-速報App