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The Main Stream Media (MSM), also known as the "Lame" Steam Media, has dictated the course of far too many events in these united States of America and around the world. From politics to religion, from science to art, the MSM seems to have their hands in almost everything. Sadly, because of the significant left-wing, uber-liberal bias that most MSM networks have, and that fact that approximately 90% of all media organizations are owned by only six major corporations, the true stories behind the events in question are rarely reported on. To make it even worse, many of the events that are reported on by these corporations (or are included in the various other forms of media - movies, TV shows, music, etc. - that are produced by them) are skewed to make radical, and oftentimes immoral people, beliefs, ideals, and behaviors seem like the norm.
Thankfully the people as a whole are fed up with being spoon fed lies by these corrupt and biased media outlets. It is due in large part to what are labeled "alternative" news sources that the truth, typically clouded and obscured by the MSM, is brought to light. Questions are asked with the intent to get to the truth, not support a single mindset. The "normal" American is interviewed, not just those who represent a significant minority. The stories that the MSM fear the most, those which would lead to its inevitable downfall, are put front and center for the whole world to see. Where the MSM desires to lead the people of the world further and further into moral, social, and spiritual depravity, these "alternative" sources strive to bring people to health, life, unity, and most importantly, FREEDOM.
Don't believe the lies any longer! Don't follow the blind masses over the proverbial cliff of immorality, deception, and death! Come out of the dark, search for the truth, and you will find it!