速報APP / 財經 / FCoinJP






版本需求:Android 4.1 以上版本





[Introduction of FCoin JP]

FCoinJP (FCoin Japan) is a new trading platform technical supported by FCoin and operational supported by FWing


Financial-Market-Level Trading System

FCoinJP has a fast and stable matching engine that supports complex trading orders such as GTT (Good Till Time) , GTC (Good ’Til Canceled), FOK (Fill or Kill),


and IOC (Immediate or Cancel). It can handle 2 million transactions per second.

Open and Transparent

DLT technology will allow users to access the trading data within the FCoinJP exchange. This will bring a new level of transparency to the space. There have been

multiple accusations & conspiracy theories that current exchanges fake volume and engage in insider trading. DLT tech will help validate or debunk these claims.

Community Management


Community-based Autonomous Organization is the reason why FCoinJP has so much hype. FCoinJP has a flat management structure, with no CEO/Board of directors.

It will be “the first autonomous community-based trading platform in the world relying on blockchain technology and the concept of ‘Token Economics’”. The white paper alluded that

‘token economics’ means the following:Managed by a highly replaceable Community Committee Every citizen on the ecosystem will be paid in dividends FJ holders will be part of operational decisions via smart contracts FJ holders can participate on the committee election. 80% of FCoinJP revenue will be distributed back to the holders on a daily basis.

Security System

We need to fend off both external & internal threats on a consistent basis. This leads to costly external audits & training. Exchanges need to make sure their staff and security procedures/drills are at the forefront of the industry.


In addition to the standard security precautions, FCoinJP security system includes: Zero-knowledge orders for unbiased trading. To prevent front-running. Never thought but centralized exchanges can in theory allow certain

orders to be filled first.
