檔案大小:6.5 MB
版本需求:需要 iOS 9.0 或以上版本。與 iPhone、iPad 及 iPod touch 相容。
Maha is a Twitter client, focusing on animations and interface.
Other apps give you themes to select, but never give you a full customization. Maha allows you to pick whatever color you want, tune your client with your taste!
With gorgeous animations, this app is also lightning fast , which can perform smooth animations even on iPhone 3G, give you another level of user experience.
Some features:
Unlimited accounts support
Add geotag to your tweets
Username suggestion when composing tweet
Shortcuts to post tweets and navigation through different views
Full screen in-app map
Trending topics
Auto refresh
Upload multiple images
Full error management on posting tweets/retweet/etc.
Autosave draft
Preload data
Image preview
Block users and report spam (Only if you are not following him/her)
Read later (Instapaper + Read it later)
Translate tweets
Custom background image
Api proxy
Simple to use, easy to understand
Maha does not support push notification.