速報APP / 社交 / Stubridge



檔案大小:10.4 MB

版本需求:系統需求:iOS 9.0 或以後版本。相容裝置:iPhone、iPad、iPod touch。



Sign up with your university mail address, choose your courses and start to see, talk and share notes with your classmates.

See the profiles who are the others taking the same course with you. Meet with your new classmates. Ask anything about finals, midterms, homework, class hours, group projects or even a popular joke to your classmates and never miss updates.

Sharing is caring! Stubridge is the easiest platform to share and find notes. There is a course note scanner which lets you shot 25 photos in a minute. The app creates an album with a title you define and it will be reached by others in notes sections.


Notifications! Every action in course groups include notes shared and conversations send you a notification which makes you never miss anything.

Invite your friends to Stubridge for make the platform much more effective.

If anything went wrong or you have some feedbacks to make our platform awesome, reach us info@stubridge.com


or you can follow to see the latest news about us and send direct messages to our social network accounts;

instagram: @stubridgeapp

twitter: @stubridgeapp


facebook: @stubridgeapp
