速報APP / 財經 / Percentage Calculator

Percentage Calculator





版本需求:Android 2.3 以上版本



聯絡地址:L and K shopping complex sango Ota Ogun state Nigeria

Percentage Calculator(圖1)-速報App

Percentage calculator

This is a simple app which can help you to calculate percentages. It can calculate percent increase, percent change, percent difference. Percentage calculator app also has tip calculator.

Percentage Calculator App:

This is a simple tool that uses the percentage formula to solve for a desired value in that formula. The percentage formula contains three variables. If any two of the variables are known, the third variable can be calculated. The percent sign is %.

How to calculate percentage of a number (P% * X = Y ):

What is 10% of 250? in equation form is 10% * 250 = Y

We need to first convert the percentage to an equivalent decimal to do our calculation.

Converting a percentage to a decimal we remove the percentage sign and divide by 100

Converting 10% to a decimal; 10% = (10/100) = 0.10

10% * 250 = Y becomes

0.10 * 250 = Y

Y = 25

Or, 10% of 250 is 15

Combining the calculations you can get the formula for P% * X = (P/100) * X = Y so 10% * 250 = (10/100) *250 = 25

How to calculate percentage of one number to another, a ratio (Y/X = P%):

This calculation is converting a ratio or fraction to a percentage. For example, how to solve for the percentage of one number to another:

25 is what percent of 200? in equation form is 25/200 = P%

25/200 = 0.125

We now need to convert the decimal to an percentage so we end up with a percentage

Converting a decimal to a percentage we multiply by 100 and append a percentage sign to the result

Converting 0.10 to a percent; 0.10 = (0.10 * 100) = 10%

So,25/200 = 12.5%

Or, 25 is 12.5% of 200

Combining this calculations can give us the formula for Y/X = ((Y/X) * 100)% = P% so 25/200 = (25/200) * 100)% = 12.5%


Percent means per 100 or parts per 100. It can be used to describe a portion of a whole or part of a whole. It comes from per cent which is short for per centum which means per hundred.

1 percent (1%) = 1 part per 100 = 1/100 = 0.01 (a portion less than a whole)

100 percent (100%) = 100 parts per 100 = 100/100 = 1 (a portion equal to a whole)

Percentage Calculator(圖2)-速報App

110 percent (110%) = 110 parts per 100 = 110/100 = 1.1 (a portion greater than a whole)

Percentage Formula:

Formula used to solve percentage problems that relates two ratios where one of the ratios is a part or portion per 100 and the other ratio is a part or portion per a whole.


A% of B is C as in: 10% of 90 is 9 where A=10, B=90, C=9

The percentage formula is:

A/100 x B = C as in: 10/100 x 90 = 9


A100 = CB as in: 10100 = 990

The percentage formula is sometimes expressed as:

percent100 = is(part)of(whole) as in: 10100 = 990

Solving for each of the variables yields:

A = (C / B) x 100 as in: A = (9 / 90) x 100 = 10

B = C / (A / 100) as in: B = 9 / (10 / 100) = 90

C = (A / 100) x B as in: C = (10 / 100) x 90 = 9

Note: A% = A/100 because % means per 100

How are percentages used?

store discounts: 20 percent off sale

sales tax is typically a percentage of purchase price: 10% sales tax

interest rates for savings accounts are typically shown as an annual percentage rate (apr): 2% apr

interest rates charged by credit card companies and mortgage companies are shown as an annual percentage rate.

interest rate changes: interest rates rose one percentage point from 4.5% to 5.5%

statistics: the margin of error is plus or minus four percentage points

credit card rewards: 2% cash back for certain purchases

news: approval ratings, employment rate, and surveys can be expressed using percentages

laptops, tablets, and cell phones usually have a battery charge percentage indicator

weather forecast: 30 percent chance of rain

probability: the chance to win a prize is 1 in 10 or 10 percent

Percentage Calculator(圖3)-速報App

humidity: the humidity level is 77%