版本需求:Android 4.3 以上版本
MazeXYZT is a puzzle, you need to find a way out in a random high-rise maze. The number of floors can be set at will from one to five. You can set the number of epochs during which your multi-story maze exists. From one to three. In each era, the labyrinth is built in its own way. But everything is connected and you can move from one era to another of those rooms where there are portals.
The entrance is always to the left in the north on the bottom floor “at the beginning of time”, the exit to the right in the south on the top floor is “in the future”.
You can build a hidden maze that will be revealed as you progress. You can build a fully open maze.
You can view and analyze the labyrinth floors before taking a step. For this, a scrolling list of labyrinth floors is provided at the top of the screen.
To move right, left, north, south you just swipe. To go to the lower or upper floor if there is a corresponding door, use the buttons at the bottom of the screen. The same with eras.
The complexity of the maze depends on its size, which you set yourself at the beginning.
It is possible to play both children and adults.
Hint. As you search, head south to the right up the floors and forward along the epochs. You can always find a way out!