速報APP / 生活品味 / FOOTPRINT Network




檔案大小:41.2 MB


版本需求:需要 iOS 10.3 或以上版本。與 iPhone、iPad 及 iPod touch 相容。 Apple TV.


FOOTPRINT Network(圖1)-速報App

Experience FOOTPRINT, an all-new digital video service featuring lifestyle and entertainment content. Watch new and exclusive series, shows, and video entertainment, featuring independent and rising stars.

In collaboration with some of the best content creators on the planet, FOOTPRINT is a next generation lifestyle and entertainment network, all digital, on-demand and all premium content.

Discover and watch new content uploaded to FOOTPRINT every day. Find new content that is entertaining, inspiring and informative.

FOOTPRINT Network(圖2)-速報App

Rate and share your favorite videos with your friends.

Creators seeking new distribution models can sign up and submit your trailer, clip, sizzle or episode! http://www.footprint.tv/member/upload

FOOTPRINT Network(圖3)-速報App

FOOTPRINT network and platform is redefining content distribution and consumption in the new era of digital media & entertainment. We market and deliver the FOOTPRINT experience to online viewers on all the popular web, mobile and connected TV devices. We also partner with OTT networks, platforms and service providers seeking content partnerships to differentiate and augment their OTT services and content for their consumers.

FOOTPRINT Network(圖4)-速報App

支援平台:iPhone, iPad, Apple TV