速報APP / 商業 / WeCareEngineerApp - Electronic Repair

WeCareEngineerApp - Electronic Repair





版本需求:Android 4.1 以上版本




WeCareEngineerApp - Electronic Repair(圖1)-速報App

Business in sales & repair of wall Radio, record player, Spool tape, Tape recorder, cassette player, Television, VCR, VCP’s, VCD Player, DVD Player, Blue ray player, Home Theater, Sound Bar and Bluetooth Player.

Now We are planning to set a different higher level in this sector by Launching WE CARE Application to serve you better. Our main motive to launch this online application is to reduce customer time. WE CARE believes to save your energy and full fill your satisfaction.

WeCareEngineerApp - Electronic Repair(圖2)-速報App

E-business is the only way everyone is in need. Nowadays people won’t have time to go physically and get service or overcome their problem. We are providing you home service which will save your time, your energy and most important your MONEY.

WE CARE services like call center facility , web consultancy services, assured safety and thorough market research to incorporate new servicing techniques are our strength which has made us mark our presence all over within a short span.

This app is design for customer , using this app customer easy share issue of product and check status about shared issue , Skilled engineer works on issue and using GENUINE spare part solve customer issue.