速報APP / 生活品味 / Auburn Lake Trails

Auburn Lake Trails


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Auburn Lake Trails(圖1)-速報App

Auburn Lake Trails is a phenomenon, a community where one can live in privacy, when privacy everywhere is being obliterated in a wash of urbanism. At the Trails, residents live quietly amid the grandeur of the Sierra foothills.

Close by is the American River, a river born among upthrust rocks of the mighty Sierra. The river's waters drop down out of the mountains, roaring and foaming along the boulder-strewn way. Auburn Lake Trails stretches for five miles along the Middle Fork of the river, where the river quiets to a murmur.

While one may live here in complete privacy, Auburn Lake Trails has a vital sense of community, with shared activities for any who wish to participate. The community is especially attuned to horse people, with 30 miles of horse trails. The trails connect to the Tevis Trail; the Tevis leads to Lake Tahoe through some of the most isolated parts of the Sierra. The most adventurous in heart can mount their horses and, from Auburn Lake Trails, intersect the connecting Western States Trail System. Turning north, they can ride to Canada or, turning south, to Mexico.

There is also a 9 hole golf course, pool, tennis courts and 3 buildings that can be used for activities.
