速報APP / 購物 / Staple Neighbourhood Market

Staple Neighbourhood Market



檔案大小:20.9 MB


版本需求:需要 iOS 10.0 或以上版本。與 iPhone、iPad 及 iPod touch 相容。


Staple Neighbourhood Market(圖1)-速報App

The Staple app makes your shopping easier, quicker and more convenient than ever. Order your Groceries - food and drinks, online from your mobile while you are on the go for home delivery on chosen date and time or maybe take away.

Staple Neighbourhood Market(圖2)-速報App

You can search and shop from all associated neighbourhood market stores with full range of products. Take advantage of all the excellent value deals on offer, use your vouchers and then either place an order for home delivery or take away from a store location. For every busy lifestyle, Staple would like to order daily convenience effortless.

Staple Neighbourhood Market(圖3)-速報App

Key Features:

Staple Neighbourhood Market(圖4)-速報App

1) Explore neighbourhood market stores online

Staple Neighbourhood Market(圖5)-速報App

2) Choose merchant and explore the range of products and exclusive offers

Staple Neighbourhood Market(圖6)-速報App

3) Collaborate with friends and family to synch up shopping list

Staple Neighbourhood Market(圖7)-速報App

4) Place home delivery or take away, as convenient

Staple Neighbourhood Market(圖8)-速報App

5) Choose delivery date and time rather pre-defined slots

Staple Neighbourhood Market(圖9)-速報App

6) Enjoy exclusive offers personalised to your taste!

7) Cash-on-Delivery and Online Payment options, including wallets

Come experience your own neighbourhood stores at your finger tips.

支援平台:iPhone, iPad