速報APP / 商業 / Sitrion Hal

Sitrion Hal





版本需求:Android 5.0 以上版本



聯絡地址:10885 NE 4th Street Suite 400 Bellevue, WA 98004

Sitrion Hal(圖1)-速報App

Sitrion ONE is an award-winning enterprise mobile productivity solution that enables organizations to mobilize their workforce by empowering employees to quickly and securely access SAP, Microsoft SharePoint, Salesforce, and Office 365 tasks and processes on the go. Sitrion ONE solves the challenge of accessing these complex enterprise applications by combining a single login for multiple backend systems with a seamless user experience.

The innovative, easy-to-install Sitrion ONE platform provides a secure, cloud-based BYOD environment with dozens of pre-built mobile use cases (called micro-apps) like enabling your sales team on the road to be rock stars or giving your corporate communications teams the ability to communicate in a timely and engaging way.

Once users have downloaded the free app and entered valid credentials, they can be effortlessly connected in minutes to important business information and approvals using their tablet or mobile device.

Sitrion ONE features:

Sitrion Hal(圖2)-速報App

• A single, native app with out-of-the-box enterprise application integrations with SAP, Microsoft SharePoint, Office 365, SQL, Salesforce.com, and any REST endpoint.

• A secure, cloud-based architecture that provides all core capabilities like administration, role management, notifications, tasks, single-sign on, and backend integrations and supports a true BYOD mobile strategy.

• Pre-built mobile use cases (called micro-apps) that can be assigned in real-time to users based on role, geography, permission, etc. and are instantly available within the ONE app.

• An aggregated productivity stream to get all relevant information in one place on any mobile device like time off requests, purchase approvals, sales forecast changes, inventory level alerts, and corporate news.

Production use of this client is governed by your company's agreement with Sitrion