速報APP / 音樂與音效 / Vocoding With EVOC 201

Vocoding With EVOC 201



檔案大小:279.1 MB


版本需求:OS X 10.9.0 或以上版本,64 位元處理器


Vocoding With EVOC 201(圖1)-速報App

The EVOC 20 PolySynth, can be intimidating when you first plug it in! However, once you dig beneath its perplexing, techno faceplate you’ll find an underground sonic universe waiting to be mined!

Let David Earl (a.k.a. SFLogicNinja) show you how he uses it and why you need to master this awesome, sonically rich plugin...

Table of Contents:

01. The Origins of the Vocoder

02. Tuning and Polyphony

03. Exploring Dual Mode

04. Exploring FM Mode

05. Tweaking the Envelope and LFO

Vocoding With EVOC 201(圖2)-速報App

06. LFO & the Output

07. Firing up the Vocoder

08. Shaping the Side Chain Input

09. Getting Creative with Filters

10. Exploring the Formant Section

11. Detailing with Unvoiced Sounds

12. Getting Creative with the EVOC20

13. Getting More Through the Side Chain

Vocoding With EVOC 201(圖3)-速報App

14. Making a Gated Synth

15. Creating a Robot Backing Harmony