速報APP / 商業 / IDfy






版本需求:Android 4.4 以上版本





InfoTrack now provides lawyers and conveyancers with an easy-to-use mobile application that simplifies the Verification of Identity (VOI) process. IDfy integrates into InfoTrack’s seamless online platform and helps create a secure, consistent and client-friendly system for identifying conveyancing clients.

What is IDfy?

IDfy is a mobile application that can be used on your device to verify the identity of your clients for conveyancing transactions. IDfy lets you take pictures of your client and their identification documents in order to satisfy VOI regulations. IDfy’s intuitive system understands the VOI category requirements and guides you through simple steps to ensure a standardised and compliant VOI process within your office.

Why use IDfy?

Changes to legislation across Australia have placed stricter regulations on lawyers and conveyancers when conducting conveyancing matters. Many states have already implemented Verification of Identity regulations for all conveyancing transactions.

Verification of Identity generally requires lawyers and conveyancers to:

1) conduct face-to-face interviews with the clients;

2) view and store copies of current, original identification documents; and


3) confirm that the client bears a reasonable likeness to the photos in their identification documents.

Storage of the copies of these sensitive identification documents places great responsibility on firms. Through IDfy, InfoTrack offers secure storage of all your VOI documents. All the data you input into IDfy is encrypted and stored on certified secure servers avoiding the risk of loss or theft, and ensuring the security of your client’s information


- Intuitive system that understands the identification category requirements

- Generates a secure VOI report for you to retain in your records

- Allows you to save incomplete identification data and finish orders at a later time once all identity documents are received


- Creates a standardised, secured and streamlined verification of identity process

- Allows you to maintain face-to-face contact with your client during VOI, creating a more personable experience

- Integrates with existing practice management systems to capture search costs automatically and save time on rekeying data

- Gives you complete control of the VOI process – you can verify your client’s identity in any location without having to rely on third parties


- Saves time by eliminating the need for document photocopying and physical filing

- Securely stores your VOI records for 7 years

- Encourages compliance with new VOI requirements


- IDfy requires you to enter your InfoTrack username and password each time you open the application

- InfoTrack complies with the ISO27001 Certification for storing data

- InfoTrack does not rely on any external parties - documents are transmitted and stored securely to a private cloud provided database which is only accessible to a few highly privileged InfoTrack administrators

- Photos are not stored locally in your phone gallery, they are saved in secure app storage until verified

Who is InfoTrack – the team behind IDfy?

InfoTrack is a technology company with a leading SaaS platform that provides intelligent search and automated workflow for professionals across the legal, conveyancing, banking, finance, insolvency, surveying, mercantile, accountancy and government sectors.


We are an indispensable partner, whose proprietary software platform helps businesses swiftly find critical information pertaining to property, company, personal and national search data.

Our superior software can be seamlessly integrated into third party practice management systems, document management solutions and accounting software to deliver significant efficiencies. This allows our clients to improve their productivity, increase their profitability and stimulate their growth.
