速報APP / 購物 / MY Online Shoppers (Malaysia)

MY Online Shoppers (Malaysia)





版本需求:Android 4.1 以上版本



聯絡地址:B-22-03A, Trefoil@Setia City, No. 2, Jalan Setia Dagang AH U13/AH, Setia Alam, Seksyen U13, 40170 Shah Alam, Selangor Darul Ehsan, Malaysia

MY Online Shoppers (Malaysia)(圖1)-速報App

Online shopping has never been so informed before.

Key features:

- Daily price tracker covering popular e-commerce websites, with more than 100,000 items analysed daily

- interested with an item? Compare price side by side with all offerings from multiple online merchants and get the best deal

MY Online Shoppers (Malaysia)(圖2)-速報App

- Has a preferred online merchant? Our app shows dedicated price tracking list by each online merchant

- Ready to order? Just click on the item link to order from the e-commerce website. All under the same app, streamline user experience

- Favourite and bookmarking

Current online e-commerce websites under our daily survey

MY Online Shoppers (Malaysia)(圖3)-速報App

Baby & Toddler- littlewhiz.com, www.applecrumbyandfish.com, www.babydash.com, www.ohbaby.com.my, www.babyland.my, www.motherhood.com.my, www.gugubird.com, www.angelland.my, www.angelland.my, www.rockabyebb.com, www.happikiddo.com.my, www.twinsbaby.net, www.peekaboo.my, thebabystore.com.my, www.mybbstore.com, www.onebabyworld.com, www.mothercare.com.my, www.youmiki.com.my, www.citybaby.com.my, okbb2u.com, babylandss2.com, www.mylovelybaby.com.my, www.littlekids.com.my, firstfewyears.com.my, www.toysrus.com.my, www.babiesrus.com.my, shop.holabebe.com.my

Grocery - www.samsgroceria.com, www.redtick.com, eshop.tesco.com.my, www.jayagrocer.com, www.pantryexpress.my, www.grocerexpress.my, ikw.com.my, www.thebigbox.asia, www.pasartap.com

Markeplace & Shopping - www.11street.my, www.qoo10.my, www.lelong.com.my, shopee.com.my, www.superbuy.my, shoppu.com.my, www.goshop.com.my, www.youbeli.com, www.newchic.com.my, ezbuy.my, my.carousell.com, www.theonemall.com.my, mys.shop.com

Pharmacy, Beauty & Personal Care - online.guardian.com.my, www.watsons.com.my, estore.caring2u.com, alivepharmacy.com.my, www.mplus.my

MY Online Shoppers (Malaysia)(圖4)-速報App

Lifestyle & Gadgets - www.courts.com.my, www.techhypermart.com, www.u8.my, www.allithypermarket.com.my, www.harveynorman.com.my, gamehypermart.com, www.senheng.com.my, www.senq.com.my, xammax.my, www.hlkonline.my, www.edgi.com.my, store.tbm.com.my, www.blipmy.com, www.hometech2u.com.my, www.ipmart.com.my, www.bestprice.com.my, www.tmt.my, www.jayacom.com.my

Hardware & DIY - dbhardware.com, www.ehardware2u.com, www.ewarehouse.atkc.com.my

Beauty & Fashion - www.hermo.my, www.nextdirect.com.my, my.althea.kr

MY Online Shoppers (Malaysia)(圖5)-速報App