速報APP / 生產應用 / Wind - Work Indefinite, Stay focused

Wind - Work Indefinite, Stay focused





版本需求:Android 4.4 以上版本



聯絡地址:Indore MP - 452014 India

Wind - Work Indefinite, Stay focused(圖1)-速報App

Setting timers or working for fixed intervals is not your thing? Or you don't like the idea of Pomodoro timer?

Wind is just the right solution for you. Its not a timer, but a stopwatch.

Work with focus, for as long as you can. Its 'Hit if distracted' method helps you to stay focused. Every time you get distracted, hit on the screen, doing this will enhance your focus at task.

Wind will keep record of how frequently you are getting distracted and it will notify you to take a break when you get distractions too frequently.

Wind - Work Indefinite, Stay focused(圖2)-速報App

Take a fixed break or an indefinite pause when you feel distracted and start again fresh.

Maintain your productivity at maximum and make the most out of your day.

Wind also works as a work-time tracker by keeping record of your work & break durations.

Features -

Wind - Work Indefinite, Stay focused(圖3)-速報App

- A stopwatch to track work time.

- Distraction counter which notifies when a distraction frequency is reached, with option to take a break or continue working.

- Set work hours target for the day.

- A time tracker which shows how much you have worked so far today, and how close are you to reach the daily goal.

Wind - Work Indefinite, Stay focused(圖4)-速報App

- Work-Break & Work-Target comparison Statistics.

- Label each session & track time spent on every label/task.

- Automatic WiFi turn off while you are working and turning on again during break.

Wind - Work Indefinite, Stay focused(圖5)-速報App