速報APP / 通訊 / BGram






版本需求:Android 4.1 以上版本




BGram is an UNOFFICIAL messaging app that uses Telegram's API with extra features, it is totally free.

Features :

• Separated tabs for chats: favorites, unread, secret chats, admin`s, creator`s and others (BifToGram has 18 tabs).

• Edit and repost: forward messages without quoting and with pre-editing.

• A special panel for forward to multiple users without leaving the chat.

• Unlimited multi-account.

• Hidden chats with Telegram password protection and opening with a fingerprint.

• Increased limit of pinned chats to 100.


• Ability to select a part of the message.

• Quick reply and forward by swipe.

• Ability to view channel before join.

• Ability to show or hide mute or unmute button from channels.

• Ability to round chat bubbles corner and set radius for each corner.

• Improved markdown panel when selecting text (bold, italic, monospace, hyperlink, strikethrough).

• Quick switch between chats through the Quick bar.

• New functions in context menu: mention, copy username, copy URL, share link ...

• Mention by name (without @).


• Copy links and usernames by click.

• Quick jump to settings by long tap on menu items.

• Confirmation before sending audio, video messages, stickers, gifs and forward.

• Functions Find My Messages, Show User Messages in group chat.

• Full chat preview with the possibility of any actions on messages (except "reply").

• Mutual contacts icon.

• Night mode and ability to set default night and day theme.

• Synchronize contacts. You can decide if to synchronize contacts for each account, and delete synchronized ones from Telegram servers.

• Export of chats lnfo.


• Separated BGram settings for each account

• Online contacts by long click on drawer contact section

• Ghost mode: the ability to read messages with status «offline», without reading confirmation (second tick) and typing. Note: when you send any message (even to your Saved messages) your status will be "online" for a short time (ghost always works this way), so it is recommended to set «Last activity» in privacy settings to "Nobody" or "My contacts".

IMPORTANT: It is your choice to use this function and all its consequences are upon your responsibility. The function is disabled by default.

and many other options....

Translation thanks:

Thanks to @Deelite for Russian translation

Telegram channel:




Hope you enjoy it.

#Telegram #unofficial #messaging
