版本需求:Android 4.0 以上版本
BdFC stands for Bio-diversity of Forest Campus at Coimbatore, CASFOS. This app is a basic field guide for flora (trees, herbs, climbers), birds (avaian fauna), mammals, reptiles and butterflies found in Forest Campus at Coimbatore, CASFOS with some useful articles on bio-diversity.
This is an attempt to enlist the biodiversity, especially the urban wildlife of the forest campus which is located amidst Coimbatore city. The motive is to make the officer trainees acquainted to the common birds, reptiles, mammals and plants of the campus. The OTs of SFS Batch 2016-18, with different backgrounds and expertise in various fields contributed to create this database on android platform. This makes it a readily accessible and handy asset, which can be referred anytime using a smartphone. It will also help to sensitise the young officers as well as visitors to nurture the values and aesthetic beauty of our natural heritage.
Features of the app are:
* Listing of flora & fauna
* Search by the common name of flora & fauna
* Details of flora & fauna
* Useful articles
App testing phase is completely missing so bug reporting are most welcomed !! :)
We are always excited to hear from you. If you have any feedback, questions, or concerns, please whtsapp at 9924858300 or email at njp.forest@gmail.com
App Concept by - ACF Rajdeep Jhala
App Developed by - ACF Nikunj Jamsinh Parmar