速報APP / 音樂與音效 / Allan Walker Hits Songs - Offline

Allan Walker Hits Songs - Offline





版本需求:Android 2.3 以上版本



Allan Walker Hits Songs - Offline(圖1)-速報App

Allan Walker Hits Songs Offline

Alan Olav Walker is a Norwegian-English record producer and DJ. He is known for his single "Faded", receiving platinum certification from more than 10 different countries. Alan Walker was ranked 36th in DJ Mag's Top 100 DJs list of 2018, occupying 19 lower positions than the previous year.

If you are a true music lover you should try the Allan Walker Hits Songs Offline application to enjoy the best selection of songs. You don't need to worry because this application is truly offline built with html with maximum creativity and effort to be an application that does not disappoint .

Keunggulam Application Allan Walker Hits Songs Offline:

1. Can be played offline,

2. The quality of the song is clear,

3. A large selection of songs,

4. Can be played anywhere without internet data,

5. A cool look,

6. And does not meet the storage space of your smartphone.

And here is a list of songs from Allan Walker Hits Songs Offline:

Allan Walker Hits Songs - Offline(圖2)-速報App

1. Alone


3.On My Way


5. Lily

6.Different World

7. Lonely

8. The Specter



That is a list of songs that hopefully the users will enjoy to enliven the atmosphere that is more exciting with the best song from the popular singer Allan Walker.

Allan Walker Hits Songs - Offline(圖3)-速報App

Hopefully Allan Walker Hits Songs Offline Can be a loyal friend of the fans to enjoy popular music whenever and wherever with the desired atmosphere.

Allan Walker Hits Songs - Offline(圖4)-速報App