速報APP / 生活品味 / Ichha Puran upay

Ichha Puran upay





版本需求:Android 4.0.3 以上版本



Ichha Puran upay(圖1)-速報App

Ichha Puran upay is a natural home remedy for almost every ailment. The best part about these home remedy is that, they have no side effects and are absolutely inexpensive. Thus, not only are they safe for health, but also turn out to be an economical option.

Mantra for a successful life, know how to siddh a mantra and make your life prosperous. Win in every aspect and achieve your ultimate goals in life.

Have peach in your mind and smile on your face, this app will guide you to extreme level of meditation using mantra

Tantrik Vidhya Santan Prapti K Upay ,Santan Pane Ke Totke , Achuk Ramban Upay ,Pandit ji ke totke,Vashikaran Kala Jadu, Kismat Chamkane Totke, Jyotish ke uppaye,Bhoot pret se nijaat paane ke uppaye, vashikaran ke achook uppaye, Mahaaguru ke

achook uppaye, Grah shaanti ke uppaye, Vaastu nivaaran ke uppaye, Rog door karane ke uppaye, Pati ko vash mein karane ke uppaye, Pati ko vash mein karane ke uppaye, Ghar nirmaan ke liye , mantra Siddhi

This app has the includes following:

Ichha Puran upay(圖2)-速報App

1.Jyotish ke upay

2.Bhoot pret se nijaat paane ke upay

3.Motaapa ghataane ke upay

4.vashikaran ke achook upay

5.Mahaaguru ke achook upay

6. Mahila vashikaran

Ichha Puran upay(圖3)-速報App

7.Siddhi Mantra

8.kala jadu

9.Mantra Siddhi

10.Shabar Siddhi Mantra

11.Grah shaanti ke upay

12.Vaastu nivaaran ke upay

Ichha Puran upay(圖4)-速報App

13.Rog door karane ke upay

14.Pati ko vash mein karane ke upay

15.Pati ko vash mein karane ke upay

16.Ghar nirmaan ke liye upay

17.Naukari ke lie upay

18.Jaldi shaadi ke upay

Ichha Puran upay(圖5)-速報App

19.Santaan prapti ke upay

20.Dhan prapti ke upai

Ichha Puran upay(圖6)-速報App