速報APP / 健康塑身 / Five-3-1: Hypertrophy Strength Training

Five-3-1: Hypertrophy Strength Training


檔案大小:17.5 MB

版本需求:需要 iOS 9.0 或以上版本。與 iPhone、iPad 及 iPod touch 相容。


Five-3-1: Hypertrophy Strength Training(圖1)-速報App

Five-3-1 is based on a hypertrophy, strength, weight-training program.

The program is focused around four main exercises which are known to stimulate the growth hormone, to increase mass and strength.

- Squat

- Deadlift

- Bench Press

- Overhead Shoulder Press (otherwise known as the Military Press).

Five-3-1: Hypertrophy Strength Training(圖2)-速報App

The app is designed to calculate personalised, weights for you to lift and rounds the numbers evenly to match typical weights found in the gym. This makes it quick and easy to stack weights on the bar, do your routine and go about your day!

So many people struggle to motivate themselves to go to the gym, and even those that get that far, often find themselves unsure what to do when they get there. Even if you're prepared with a list of exercises to do... what even is a 'Jefferson Lift'? how much weight do you use? how many reps should you do?

This app simplifies that and better still, it tailors to your personal ability!

All the app needs you to do is tell it your heaviest single rep of the 4 simple, but effective exercises listed above. No need for ego, if you're unsure round it down. It can only go up!

This isn't another app claiming to be the next break-through fad in fitness. It's not another list of exercises that need complex instructions on how to perform them.

There's nothing new here and that's a good thing!

Five-3-1: Hypertrophy Strength Training(圖3)-速報App

Every natural body-builder will tell you the 4 main lifts required to gain size and strength. The rest are just fluff, to give the illusion of sophistication. weight-training doesn't need to be exciting or complicated! If you want to get big you have to lift big weights, that's literally the hardest part!

The app calculates optimum training weights for each exercise at a percentage of your single, one rep maximum.

For example if the heaviest squat you've ever performed is 100kg for one rep, then your Squat sets will be calculated at a percentage of 100kg.

The magic is in the sequence of weight and reps - all managed by the app, based on a tried and tested program used by some of the strongest lifters in the world.

The app suggests some 'assistance exercises' but these are very secondary to the main lifts and should be relatively comfortable to perform. Let the app be your guide.

The program is more suited to lifters with some experience, but as long as you know and practice good form and are sensible, the gains could likely be even greater for someone new to body-building.

Five-3-1: Hypertrophy Strength Training(圖4)-速報App

The truth is, this program isn't for everyone... we all have different reasons for training or going to the gym in general. If you want to learn 15 types of jumping jacks and 12 different planks, you're probably best joining a cross-fit class.

But if you want to grow muscle and strength, this app is a tool to assist serious lifters.

Follow the program, session by session, and you can only get stronger!

Five-3-1: Hypertrophy Strength Training(圖5)-速報App
