速報APP / 生產應用 / SNI On-The-Go

SNI On-The-Go





版本需求:Android 4.1 以上版本




SNI On-The-Go(圖1)-速報App

This app is a resource for negotiators and salespeople to organize their deals. It allows individuals to utilize SNI’s Preparation ChecklistTM and facilitates information gathering and collaboration with colleagues, supervisors, and friends. It also provides negotiation tips, habits and tools via video, audio, and text so that users have various ways to consume the information in order to become more effective negotiators.

SNI On-The-Go(圖2)-速報App

About SNI

SNI On-The-Go(圖3)-速報App

SNI is the premier global provider of Sales, Negotiation, and Influence training and consulting. The focus of SNI is on maximizing our clients’ ability to create mutually beneficial and profitable long-term relationships with peers, vendors, and customers – both internal and external to the organization.

SNI On-The-Go(圖4)-速報App

Please contact SNI for information on how to customize this app for your organization and/or implement it within your CRM.

SNI On-The-Go(圖5)-速報App