速報APP / 遊戲 / Aura of a God

Aura of a God





版本需求:Android 3.1 以上版本



Aura of a God(圖1)-速報App

New kaio transform aura of saiyan when touch the super hyper god level. Best fighting with greatest warrior.

Many strongest warrior from 12 universe want to get the new position of god universe. After a long time hard training, many new transform, new skill - both god of destruction, supreme kai, legend god saiyan goku, vegeta, trunk.. , other strongest warrior :jiren, fu, hit, ... want to test their new power.

Aura of a God(圖2)-速報App

Aura of a God gameplay:

- 2d saiyan fighting game of z fighters

Aura of a God(圖3)-速報App

- new character db/gt and skill power

- new transform kai, ssj3, ssj5, god of kaioken

Aura of a God(圖4)-速報App

- verus ko round by round

Aura of a God(圖5)-速報App