檔案大小:10.9 MB
版本需求:系統需求:iOS 12.0 或以後版本。相容裝置:iPhone、iPad、iPod touch。
This is a game for a player to get points for calculation questions within 1-3 minutes depending on levels reached. The developer originally created this game to speed up his child's additions and subtractions to overcome the school’s speed calculation tests. And he found the results were so good that he added the multiplication and division games too.
Suggestions from a senior Mathematics teacher were added to adjust the difficulties of each game and level with a goal to increase the calculation speeds effectively.
Nowadays, it is getting easier to pay and receive money with mobile apps . But a drawback is that people may gradually weaken the calculation skills. This app is to strengthen the calculation and digits sense. This for sure improves the student's performance in Mathematics exams too.
Some adults may find this game good for brain training and help prevent brain degeneration.
支援平台:iPhone, iPad