速報APP / 工具 / SimpleTallyCounterFree






版本需求:Android 4.1 以上版本




"SimpleTallyCounterFree" is a useful counter.

You can use this App free of charge.

【How To Use】

1...[PUSH BUTTON] at display center

When you push this, increment the number in counter by 1.

And then it sounds.


2...[RESET BUTTON] at display lower left

When you push this, the number in counter will be reseted as "0000".

3...[UNDO BUTTON] at display lower right

When you push this, decrement the number in counter by 1.

"SimpleTallyCounterFree" is an application used to incrementally count something, typically fleeting.

One of the most common things "SimpleTallyCounterFree" are used for is counting people, animals, or things that are quickly coming and going from some location.

The main application of "SimpleTallyCounterFree" is as people counters. At concerts, stadiums, etc., a person will stand by the door with a tally counter recording the number of people that enter. At amusement parks, the rides can only hold a certain number of people, so the operator may use a tally counter to keep track of the number of people who get on the ride. They are also used for traffic analysis, scientific research, counting inventory and on industrial lines as well.

"SimpleTallyCounterFree" has also been used in religion to count prayers, often replacing traditional prayer beads.