




版本需求:Android 4.1 以上版本




Ever need to replace your running shoes and you don’t have time to get to the store? Ever tried replacing your running shoes online at a good price, only to find they didn’t have your favourite shoe or the right size?

Gauge understands that runners like to run. Runners need to run! It’s who we are.

We all run at gauge, and we know the risk of running too many km’s in your old shoes. Running in “dead” shoes can result in avoidable injuries – every runners worst nightmare.

Gauge connects to App’s like Strava to help you track the mileage of your shoes, now we’ll join the dots and help you replace your favourite shoe quickly, conveniently, at a great price, and MOST importantly before your current shoes hit their target mileage.

You’ll receive a notification from gauge a couple of weeks before your running shoes reach their target distance, we’ll replace your shoes with the same brand, model, size so (unless of course you change you mind and want to switch) you can keep running without skipping a beat.


Why should you change your shoes at a set distance?

The general industry recommendation is to replace shoes between 500 and 800 kilometers to prevent injury. Of course, not every running shoe is the same, and not every runner is the same, so the distance from runner to runner and shoe to shoe can vary.

Some runners just know when a shoe is feeling old and less responsive, and some runners keep a manual diary (nodding heads from runners in the 80’s/90’s). Some just run in their shoes until they fall apart. This may be a great way to save a dollar, but unless you’re genetically blessed, the risk of injury is higher, that dollar you saved will be going straight to the physio, not to mention the time off your feet.

There are many factors that impact when a running shoe’s performance starts to deteriorate such as the type of surface you run on (grass or concrete), the size and weight of the runner, the speed at which you run and your type of stride. Some runners are heavy heal strikers, some land mid-foot and some fore-foot. Some runners pronate, and some supernate. Regardless of your style, size, stride, footstrike, you’ll need to set a distance that you feel is safe to run in your shoes before they need replacing. It’s up to you.

Once you’ve made this decision, gauge, Strava and your GPS watch (or device) can do all the work for you. After you’ve set up a Strava account and added your default shoes, gauge will always track the distance covered in the shoes you have selected and when to replace them.


If you need more information about how to set the ideal distance for your running shoes – contact us here

Happy running!
