

檔案大小:7.6 MB


版本需求:需要 iOS 7.0 或以上版本。與 iPhone、iPad 及 iPod touch 相容。




This device is not for all users

ITC takes time dedication and patience.

ITC is not a telephone it's a method using

technology to attempt communication.

Communications with what?

The ideas range from other dimension,

spirits or even our own minds.

Still. Others claim that absolutely

nothing is taking place,

just happenstance or imagination.

Many users see these type of devices

as a tool for paranormal investigation.

The softwares author Digital Dowsing llc

feels the device should be used for experimentation

not a tool for Investigation.

This Application was written

for experienced ITC researchers, not designed as a

party favor or game.


Version 2.0

Requires OS 7 or Higher

For the iPad or iPhone

** Designed for experienced ITC Experimenters


So what can a user expect?

The idea is simple if you believe

that communication Is possible.

ITC would be a great first step.

ITC reads the environment and

creates speech fragments.

As the device runs it slices speech

into small fragments. Like tuning a radio as

the dial moves you hear short sound bits.

By scanning the ITC creates speech and

speech like sounds.


Digital dowsing has produced this type of

device for several years now.

Using the experience gained from actual

hardware production, Digital Dowsing

reproduces real world functions in this

iPhone,iPad application.

Please don't purchase this application if

your expecting perfect results.

This is a tool for experimentation,

not a telephone.

Results will depend on effort

time and patience.

ITC " trans Instrumental Communications "

is not a science it's a method.

Will it work for you, The answer is no...

It will only work with you.

The method is not a fortune teller.

Don't expect answers to life.

Expect the responses that make

you laugh or challenge you Ideas

and concepts of what is

really going on.

Because of the nature of this application

it is offered for

experimnetal purposes only.

The Author of this software is the Inventor

of the Paranormal Puck, OvilusTalker,

EM Pump, Video Ovilus, PX, SLS and many other devices.

For more details please visit

How ITC works:

ITC uses files that are played for different

lengths of time depending on settings,

and started in different segments of the

speech based on the mode and inputs.

It is not possible to put the spoken words

on the screen, each word is built from many

different words or word fragments.


For more details please visit
