速報APP / 教育 / C172R




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版本需求:需要 iOS 9.0 或以上版本。與 iPad 相容。



Gyronimo Performance Pad -Cessna 172R-

The ultimate computer for Mass & Balance and Performance.

Compatibility: requires iPad 2 or newer, or iPad Mini Retina 

Calculate and interpolate performance data using the actual values

from the Cessna 172 R Pilot's Operating Handbook (POH).

Finish your complete fight planning in just a few seconds.

Performance planning has never been easier and quicker.

Results are updated immediately and displayed in high resolution graphics,

enhanced for the iPad 2/3 and iPad Mini.

Change all important values using sliders.

Experiment with the results and create "what if" scenarios in no time.

Find your optimal cruise altitude, takeoff ground roll, landing distance,

climb data and stall speeds.

The Performance Pad C172R has seven main pages:

1. The Mass & Balance (or Weight & Balance) Page

Calculates Center of Gravity, Moments, Takeoff and Zero Fuel Mass as well as Percent MAC (% MAC).

Set person and baggage weights in seconds using the convenient sliders.

Check if the CG is within limits using three graphical displays

- Moment Envelope

- CG envelope

- Aircraft axis

or see a complete load manifest that you can send to your email address


to quickly prove that you have completed the Weight & Balance for you flight.

2. The Takeoff Page

Using the actual data from the C172R Operating Handbook

the Performance Pad calculates and displays Ground Roll and Landing Distance

based on:

- Aircraft Mass

- Takeoff Elevation in MSL (Pressure Altitude and Density Altitude will be computed)

- Outside Air Temperature (OAT)

- Altimeter Setting

- Runway Conditions (i.e. paved dry to long grass or snow)

- Runway Slope

- Wind Conditions

Wind Components Computer

- Use the Wind Components page to determine your headwind or tailwind component.

Rotate the wind dial to set wind direction, set windspeed and the results will be

transferred to your takeoff computations automatically!

3. The Climb page

Calculates time, fuel and distance based on

- Difference between Takeoff Elevation and intended Flight Level

- Altimeter Setting

- Outside Air Temperature (OAT)

- Altimeter Setting


- Headwind or Tailwind Component

Also the Rate of Climb and Climb Speed will be displayed.

4. The Cruise Page

Using the actual data from the Pilot's Operating Handbook you can

determine the optimal cruise altitude based on

- Trip Distance

- Flight Level

- Engine RPM

- Temperature

- Wind and Altimeter Setting

and calculate Break Horse Power (% BHP), Fuel Flow and True Airspeed

The Max Range and Range including Reserve will be displayed graphically.

The Fuel Management allows to enter Reserve Time for Contingency, Alternate and Final Reserve.

The Fuel Usage is displayed graphically.

Fuel Efficiency is computed in Miles per Gallon and Liter per 100km to set set results in a perspective.

5. Landing Page

Calculates Ground Roll and Landing Distance based on wind, elevation, altimeter setting etc.

Like on the Takeoff Page you can use the Wind Components Computer to quickly determine head- or tailwind components

6. Stall Speed Page.

Calculates The Stall Speed based on Bank Angle and Flap Settings.

Stall Speed will be computed as KIAS and KCAS using the actual values from the Cessna POH.

7. Setup


- Load and Save up to five Aircraft Settings and Scenarios.

- Send a Mass & Balance Summary to your email address.

- Visit our video channel and watch tutorials and video manuals.

