速報APP / 工具 / Phone Helper

Phone Helper





版本需求:Android 4.4 以上版本



聯絡地址:416 yongandasha nanyuanjiedao,yuhangqu,hangzhou,china 311100

Phone Helper(圖1)-速報App

Junk Clean

You don't have enough space to install games or take photos?

Phone Helper(圖2)-速報App

With this feature, you can quickly analyzes storage space on your Android device and identifies all unnecessary data,delete cache and residual files to reclaim storage, boost speed and improve the performance of your device and SD card. Analyze all of your apps, detect junk including cache, residual files, temp files.

Clean cache junk with one tap, free up space and boost phone speed.

Phone Helper(圖3)-速報App

CPU Cooler

Your device overheats and needs to cool down?

Phone Helper(圖4)-速報App

With Phone Booster, you can easily Find and Stop the apps that are causing it to overheat and make your battery last longer!

This App is 100% FREE cleaner and booster. Try it free and get your Android phone or tab running like new!

Phone Helper(圖5)-速報App