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No matter how big or small, every investment is a step towards securing a better future. With ShopStocks, now you have an easy and interactive platform to do just that. Not only can you invest and trading in one of the world's fastest growing economies, but also have fun doing so. We provide our customers with a full-fledged mobile trading application that is packed with an easy to use, engaging and interactive user interface and gives real time prices and easy to place orders.


Whether you're a professional trading or investing in the stock markets from a long time or a newcomer trying to take this step for the first time, ShopStocks is perfect for both.


ShopStocks provides an engaging platform that enables our customers to unlock achievements and earn coins, which helps saving even more! Our customers have the power to decide their brokerages depending on their needs and trading strategies, through our dynamic pricing policies.


The general trend for most of us is to take out some money from our earnings and keep it in a safe at home or at the bank as our savings. But what most people fail to understand is that by doing so, we are essentially losing our money by not doing anything about it. It's quite simple, really, when you think about it. With an average rate of inflation. (The increase in prices of goods and fall in the value of money) at 5%, what we are doing by not investing our money and keeping it in our safes is reducing its value at the rate of 5% a year.


So, in 20 years, the value of your money could actually be zero. We have seen it in our lifetimes where the value of a simple Rs.100 note was like gold in the 1980s, whereas today it's reduced by a great deal. Or like the time when we used to get a large milk chocolate bar for Rs.10 and now, we get a small one for Rs.20! So, the motive behind creating ShopStocks is to create a new age platform that can enable both, existing and new budding traders and investors to do so with ease and keep doing it, so you can not only earn a lot, but also, keep growing your money to beat the costs of inflation. And it's not as hard as you'd think. With an average increase in your investment value of just 10% (considering you invest in top companies) and investing the same amount yearly. You can earn more than 4 times the value of your investment in 20 years. For an example, even if you mark out Rs.1,000 to invest every month, you would be investing Rs.12,000 a year. This Rs.12,000, when invested every year for 20 years will make your total investment of Rs.2,40,000. Just simple compounding of interest at the rate of 12% P.A. at the end of each period will fetch you a grand total of Rs.9,80,384.83 being very safe. With an informed investment of such a value, this investment can earn anywhere from 5% to 15% a year. Now imagine how much you can make if you invest just Rs.1,000 a month for the rest of your life! Yes, it's never ending and amazing!


So, what this whole lecture was intended to do was to open your eyes and show you that you can make a truck load of money and secure your future by just investing and trading in the right stocks.


Oh, just one last thing, all good stocks that you invest in are readily sellable. So, unlike other investments where firstly, you'd have to pool up your money to afford your investment, then you'd have to go through the burden of finding a buyer and spend countless hours negotiating when you want to sell it, you can invest even Rs.10, if that's what you want and get your money when you sell, by just one click of a button.


Remember, a jug fills, drop by drop!