版本需求:Android 4.1 以上版本
The life of Ireland's famous son was not easy. Being a genius he gained fame and recognition during his life although it did not make him happy. The exact witty poems, a good trenchant statement, a special insightful look at society made Oscar Wilde one of the most prominent artists of the era. Hopefully Oscar Wilde quotes can help you to get new fresh ideas and will inspire you.
Why is it important to read outstanding people's quotes?
We and not only we believe that studying of such quotes of outstanding people is a good way to broaden your horizons, getting more knowledge, and in some cases such quotes is an excellent tool for a psychological support. Probably you had such situations when one sentence of a wise author helped to get out of a difficult condition. We consider quotes with their deep meaning, brevity and accuracy to be the greatest manifestation of human knowledge.
To add infos to your favorites click the gray star in the upper right corner of open poem or quote. If it turned yellow , then a poem or quote added to your favorites.
Favorites are located on the right side in the main list under the collection title.
To remove infos from your favorites open your favorites, select poems or quote and click the yellow star in the upper left corner of the poem or quote. After clicking, it will become gray, and the poem or quote will disappear from your favorites.
Good Luck!