速報APP / 遊戲 / Fit Box - Funny Color Block

Fit Box - Funny Color Block





版本需求:Android 4.1 以上版本



Fit Box - Funny Color Block(圖1)-速報App

​New game 2019: Fill the empty box with colourful to blank space.

Fill all the boxes with colors

Ready to ‘Fit the Box’ ?

★ The ‘Key Boxes’ are colored boxes with directional signs. The signs show the ways the boxes can be moved; up, down, left, right or left-down, right-up and many more.

★ The color of each ‘Key Box’ follows its direction.

Fit Box - Funny Color Block(圖2)-速報App

★ Drop each ‘Key Box’ to the right spot. Fill all the boxes with colors.


● Over 400 puzzles

● Cities Adventures

● Need help? The ‘Easy Box’ will always be there for you. Green is the new lucky color!● Family-friendly; keep your family happy - a game for everybody

Fit Box - Funny Color Block(圖3)-速報App

● Brain Training; boost up your problem-solving and decision-making skills

● Easy-to-Follow Tutorial

Fit Box - Funny Color Block(圖4)-速報App