速報APP / 財經 / Credendo






版本需求:Android 4.2 以上版本





The Credendo Risk app delivers several country risk analysis reports written by our country risk analysts. We distinguish three kinds of news messages:

-Risk in the spotlight: flash country risk analysis of recent events

-Risk insight: more in-depth update of a country risk assessment, analysis of macroeconomic or overall political risk topics

-Country Risk-Updates: overview of Credendo’s latest changes in risk ratings accompanied by brief comments on the most relevant changes.

The focus of these reports is set on the emerging countries.. Still, Credendo app users can find for each country in the world the rating for the commercial and political risk (short and medium long term), as well for investments (long term).

So the Credendo Risk app is your unique free of charge source to:

-get the latest country news from Credendo;


-access in seconds all the information you want to know about a country with our interactive World Risk Map;

-watch the video’s with our experts’ view;

-browse and search by publication, keyword, topic, country,…;

-scroll through the published documents;

-receive notifications when new content is published;

-connect directly with Credendo and share content via e-mail and social networks;

-watch video’s made with our experts’ view on the latest country risk news;

-access the different solutions that Credendo can offer to cover the risks an exporter has on its foreign buyers;

- more general news about Credendo itself.