速報APP / 教育 / Apostolic Carmel ICSE

Apostolic Carmel ICSE



檔案大小:43.5 MB


版本需求:需要 iOS 11.1 或以上版本。與 iPhone、iPad 及 iPod touch 相容。


Apostolic Carmel ICSE(圖1)-速報App

Apostolic Carmel International School, Bandra is proud to announce it's very own mobile App powered by Intellinects Ventures!!

Parents, students, staff, alumni and other stakeholders can download this app now to get all school related information easily through a mobile device.

The School Communicator includes all the information you really need to know news, calendar events, a photo gallery, homework, contact list & links to useful resources. There are also critical alerts for news that just can't wait.

The App provides you the following information:

News @ Apostolic Carmel

Calendar of Events

Apostolic Carmel ICSE(圖2)-速報App

Teacher profiles

PTA information

Alumni updates

Videos of school events

Access to secure content pertaining to the child's education

and more

Apostolic Carmel ICSE(圖3)-速報App

Additional features and improvements are coming soon.

Apostolic Carmel ICSE(圖4)-速報App
