速報APP / 社交 / CARY






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The CARY is an advisory body for DPO’s, CSO’s and government whose role is to facilitate collaboration and cooperation between Members, we will advocate for the rights of young girls with disabilities. CARY will drag the strategies for the inclusion of young girls with disabilities in both disabilities and gender movement serves as a national alliance for the rights of the young girls with disabilities in Pakistan. We will focus the cross cutting thematic areas particular alliance with advocacy, awareness raising, policy development and capacity building of member organizations.


In Pakistan total population of persons with disabilities is around 10 percent to 15 percent and half of which are women with disabilities. Women with disabilities are most marginalized and vulnerable segment of the society. They are facing bi lateral discrimination on the basis of both gender and disability. In the disability movement they are not part of the decision making process and even in the gender movement their presence is not acknowledged yet. It is important to have single platform which will bridge both disability and gender movement and raise the voices of women with disabilities at all levels.