速報APP / 生產應用 / Stack61 - Warehouse Inventory

Stack61 - Warehouse Inventory



檔案大小:31.9 MB


版本需求:需要 iOS 11.0 或以上版本。與 iPhone、iPad 及 iPod touch 相容。


Stack61 - Warehouse Inventory(圖1)-速報App

Stack61 is an intelligent warehouse and inventory management solution, hosted by Petro IT on a secure cloud and offered as a SaaS subscription.

Automate day-to-day inventory operations by accessing material source documentation, tagging, logging, and tracking material usage, and searching for inventory data available on your mobile device; freedom from being logged into an office system. 

Make your inventory management mobile and more accessible using Stack61.

Easy steps of Stack 61’s Intelligent Inventory Management

1) Log material inventory and optionally also print individual QR codes for each item

2) Issue material receipt, and transfer items from one location to another

3) View Data reports on our web portal

Features of Stack61 Inventory Management

* Enables user to collect material and attribute information on a mobile application and attach required documentation.

* Allows the user to uniquely tag each item or material using a QR code.

* Enables inspection using material specific inspection checklists for ensuring completeness.

Stack61 - Warehouse Inventory(圖2)-速報App

* Leverages company standards and codes to align with company database standards.

* Damage/Quarantine inspection process with source documentation.

* Track manufacturer to Use movement history on all material.

* Provides accurate online stock records of company warehouses and storage yards.

* Live reporting provides oversight on material inventory.

* Ability to reserve and issue material for projects.

Why use Stack 61?

* Complete inventory management system customisable according to your materials.

* Best iOS inventory management app with intelligent inventory algorithms.

* Stack61 is your go-to unique inventory management system for everyday operations.

* Provides complete control over your inventory.

Stack61 - Warehouse Inventory(圖3)-速報App

* Provide customers with excellent service by extracting appropriate documents to backup customer manufacturing documentation immediately, as all records are linked to each material.

Use Stack61 to take complete control of your inventory management. Share your experience with Stack61 at info@petroit.com

Stack61 - Warehouse Inventory(圖4)-速報App
