速報APP / 生產應用 / SlideVoiceMusic



檔案大小:8.8 MB

版本需求:OS X 10.10 或以上版本,64 位元處理器


SlideVoiceMusic is an application for viewing pictures and videos.

Unlike other similar applications it offers only a single fade-effect function when moving from an image to the next, but it provides several other options/functions that can turn out rather usefull, in particular when the user wants to organize a conference based on a slideshow.


● fade-effect for transitions: interval from 1 sec to 10 min (screen shot 4)


● background music (screen shot 4)

● it is possible to organize the content of folders modifying order and name of their content screen shot 1)

● it is possible to insert a text for each picture or an unique text for the whole show. These texts will be spoken during the show (screen shot 1)

● when the show is made up of more than one folder, it is possible to organize the order of their execution (screen shot 2).


Texts can be composed in any of the languages that have a ‘voice’ in the System Preferences; the ‘voice’ to be used in the show can be set in the Preferences of the application (screen shot3) or in the Organize window (screen shot 1).

Pictures and video/movies located on the Desktop but not residing in a folder, will not be shown: they MUST be located in a folder.
