速報APP / 攝影 / Unforget.io




檔案大小:2.9 MB


版本需求:需要 iOS 10.0 或以上版本。與 iPhone、iPad 及 iPod touch 相容。



Privately bookmark web sites, photos, write notes, save locations and be reminded. Mark your items with hashtags. Access your bookmarks, photos, places and notes online on any device at www.unforget.io.

Privately share your photos, bookmarks, notes and locations with other people. Choose who you share with.

If you decide so, we'll generate and send you newsletters with the stuff you mark yourself and care about.

You can bookmark web pages directly from Safari and other browsers.


People around the world use unforget.io to save links, etc.. Join us!


You bumped into a cool web page, blog, article or even a place. At this very moment you don't have enough time to explore it in detail. How often do you bookmark it or make a note about it, and then forget, and never come back?

unforget.io is the solution. How does it work? It is very simple.


* you bookmark web pages, places, and make notes

* once in a while, we select a few of your bookmarks or notes and email them to you as a reminder

* you get to define how often (if ever) and how many bookmarks to send in each reminder email

* the selection is rotated, so you are guaranteed to be reminded of all your bookmarks eventually


*of course, if you are busy you can just ignore or delete the reminder email

We'll never send you a single line of spam. Only your own notes and bookmarks that you don't want to forget about. You control how often and how many. We hate spam!

If you are a blogger, author, online shop owner or have any other online presence, our unique service will make sure that your visitors won't forget about you. Just add an unforget button to your pages. Find out how at unforget.io


支援平台:iPhone, iPad