速報APP / 商業 / Linvio Event Manager

Linvio Event Manager


檔案大小:7.7 MB

版本需求:系統需求:iOS 11.0 或以後版本。相容裝置:iPhone、iPad、iPod touch。


Linvio Event Manager(圖1)-速報App

The Linvio Event Manager application connects to your instance of Salesforce with Linvio Events to support on-location management tasks such as event check-in or session attendee management.

Simply configure Linvio Events in Salesforce to present event passes online or email passes to registrants, then use this mobile app to process them at the door. Linvio Event Manager scans the QR codes on attendee passes, checks attendee registration status in Salesforce, and records attendance in Salesforce for real-time attendee management and reporting.

支援平台:iPhone, iPad