速報APP / 遊戲 / La Belle Lucie Solitaire

La Belle Lucie Solitaire





版本需求:Android 5.0 以上版本



La Belle Lucie Solitaire(圖1)-速報App

La Belle Lucie solitaire game belongs to fan family of games in which all cards are dealt face-up into the fans at beginning. The game is played with standard 52-cards set with aim to build all cards into the foundation piles.

La Belle Lucie Solitaire(圖2)-速報App

This game contains 5 variations of La Belle Lucie Solitaire as following

La Belle Lucie Solitaire(圖3)-速報App

1. La Belle Lucie

La Belle Lucie Solitaire(圖4)-速報App

2. The Fan

La Belle Lucie Solitaire(圖5)-速報App

3. Three Shuffles and a Draw

La Belle Lucie Solitaire(圖6)-速報App

4. Super Flower Garden

La Belle Lucie Solitaire(圖7)-速報App

5. Trefoil

La Belle Lucie Solitaire(圖8)-速報App

The basic rules for all games are similar. At the beginning all cards from standard 52-cards deck is dealt face-up onto 18 fans; 17 fans getting 3 cards and the last fan getting one remaining card. In Trefoil four aces are initially dealt to the foundation so it only has 16 fans. The aim is to build four foundations by suit from Ace to King. Only top card from a fan can be played to another fan or foundation.

La Belle Lucie Solitaire(圖9)-速報App

Read differences in rules for the variants in the game and enjoy playing it in your free time.


- 5 variants of La Belle Lucie Solitaire

- Save game state to play later

- Unlimited undo

- Game play statistics