速報APP / 健康塑身 / BMI Calc Woof

BMI Calc Woof





版本需求:Android 4.1 以上版本


BMI Calc Woof(圖1)-速報App

An easy to use and amusing BMI Calculator app. Simply select the units, (e.g. kilos or pounds) and enter your weight and height. The app will show your BMI value and category along with amazing dog Zippy's reaction to help you maintain a healthy BMI.

BMI Calc Woof(圖2)-速報App

The app accepts weight input in kilos or pounds and height input in inches or centimeters (cms). You can choose the imperial system (weight in pounds and height in inches) or the metric system (weight in kilos and height in cms). You can also use mixed system inputs, for example, weight in kilos and height in inches, which is used in many places, such as, parts of Canada and India.

BMI Calc Woof(圖3)-速報App

You make your selection by tapping on pounds or kilos for weight and inches or cms for height and then enter inputs for weight and height. If you know your height in feet and inches, select inches and use 1 ft equals 12 inches. For example, if your height is 5 ft and 7 inches, then 5 ft equals 60 inches and adding 7 inches would make your height 67 inches. The default is pounds for weight and inches for height.

BMI Calc Woof(圖4)-速報App

After entering your weight and height, tap the "show BMI" button. The app contains 8 categories ranging from "Very severely underweight" to "Very severely obese" and adorable Zippy's reaction for each category. Zippy is a great motivator to help you achieve or maintain a normal BMI, and you never have to worry about feeding or cleaning up after Zippy.

BMI Calc Woof(圖5)-速報App

If you forget to enter your weight or height and try to see your BMI, the app will show a "missing input" message and a disappointed Zippy. You can then enter the missing information and tap the "show BMI" button. Tap the "Restart" button to clear all previous numbers and see the starting screen.

Body Mass Index (BMI) is widely used by healthcare professionals as one of the measures to assess the overall health of a person. This app provides a simple and enjoyable way for people to keep track of their BMI values. It is intended to be used for people 20 years and older.