速報APP / 生活品味 / My Luv Talk

My Luv Talk



檔案大小:37 MB


版本需求:需要 iOS 10.0 或以上版本。與 iPhone、iPad 及 iPod touch 相容。


My Luv Talk(圖1)-速報App

*** WHAT IS My Luv Talk? ***

My Luv Talk will provide you access to a matchmaker or trained life coach that can help you find the love of your life and help you maintain a healthy lasting relationship.

My Luv Talk(圖2)-速報App

Dating can be hard and maintaining a lasting relationship is a struggle. We created My Luv Talk so that anyone can speak with a life coach or matchmaker to improve their love life and answer their questions. Common problems are communication issues, dating online, long distance relationships, social media affecting relationship, finances, sexual issues, getting over a break up, and starting over.

My Luv Talk(圖3)-速報App


The experts are called Guru’s many of our experts have Psychology degrees, Life Coaching Certificates, and Matchmakers at the top matchmaking companies. All experts have extensive experience and success rates of improving individual’s love life and finding the right matches.

My Luv Talk(圖4)-速報App

Each expert is categorized based upon experience in various relationship issues.

My Luv Talk(圖5)-速報App
