速報APP / 通訊 / Panda Online

Panda Online





版本需求:Android 5.1 以上版本


Panda Online(圖1)-速報App

Hello Guys!

It's Kotsh from PureSRO & Panda Online.

Now we all Have Phones and using it 24/7 Everyday

And Life is SO Fast now So we Got this Idea Why we don't Create app for Panda Online

So we can Connect to our Chars and Control It from our Phones

Panda Online(圖2)-速報App

while we at our Work or Hanging out.

So ....

There is App Calling Panda Online for Panda Online PC Game .

What you can do with this app ?

- There is Many things i will Write some of it here and others you have to check your self

Panda Online(圖3)-速報App

1- Market :

-- There is Market for you its like Online Stall you can create Stall for your Items and Players can send you Private messages and you can replay it when you online on App

2- Shop :

-- There is Shop For Panda Online you can Buy (Panda Coins - Arena Coins - Gold Coins)

>> AND << ( SUN D14 Items ) [ Weapons - Shields ] [ Accs ] [ Set Parts ]

Panda Online(圖4)-速報App

3- Auctions :

-- Yea Its Auctions :D , We will Put item or Something for Auction and you have to BID to get it..

4- Farm :

-- You can farm Online too :D, by 2 ways , Watching Videos for App points (You need it for Shoping) , or Answer questions at our Online Quiz.

5- News Section:

Panda Online(圖5)-速報App

-- There will be News Section to Check our new Updates or Releases Live.

6- Chat:

-- For Easy Connection and Having Fun there is Chat Group For you Guys to Connecting others.

7- Panda Menu:

-- The Best thing in this App , Our menu Showing you Live Time Events and Ranks of our Events , Like.

Panda Online(圖6)-速報App

a) Honor Ranking

b) PvP Ranking

c) Special Unique Info (Alive or Dead and Killed by Who)

d) Best Events Ranking (Best PvP , Best STR , Best INT , Best CH , Best EU, Best Unique)

e) Auto Events Winners (Order by Reward Time)

Panda Online(圖7)-速報App

f) Fortress Control (Soon)

This app Created by Kotsh That's mean will be Updated with All the new Things

Try it and join us We gonna fire IT OUT


Panda Online(圖8)-速報App