速報APP / 家庭 / Max & Ruby: Toy Chest

Max & Ruby: Toy Chest





版本需求:Android 4.4 以上版本



聯絡地址:25 Dockside Dr Toronto, ON Canada

Max & Ruby: Toy Chest(圖1)-速報App

Max and Ruby dig deep inside their toy chest for a pretend playdate with their toy pets and stuffed animals. In this collection of games, your favourite bunnies have set up play areas for their toys to explore.

* Build unimaginable towers out of blocks and smash them to bits!

Max & Ruby: Toy Chest(圖2)-速報App

* Dress toys up in silly hats to see how they react.

* Help the little wind-up frog chase those pesky flies for a musical surprise.

Max & Ruby: Toy Chest(圖3)-速報App

* Create colourful art and save to your device.


Max & Ruby: Toy Chest(圖4)-速報App

+ Unlimited gameplay

+ Easy to follow instructional tutorial for young players

Max & Ruby: Toy Chest(圖5)-速報App

+ Quick pick up and play