速報APP / 藝術與設計 / Gian Lorenzo Bernini Artworks Stickers

Gian Lorenzo Bernini Artworks Stickers


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Gian Lorenzo Bernini Artworks Stickers(圖1)-速報App

More than 50 stickers of Gian Lorenzo Bernini Artworks Stickers Add them to your iMessage and use this masterspieces to customize your message. Impress your friends with your knowledge !

- Portrait of a Young Man (Self-Portrait)

- Bacchanal A Faun Teased by Children

- Bust of Camilla Barberini nee Barbadori

- Aeneas and Anchises

- Torso of Neptune

- Bust of Pope Gregory XV

- Neptune and Triton

- Portrait Bust of Pedro de Foix Montoya

- Rape of Proserpine

- Self Portrait as a Young Man

- Apollo and Daphne

- David with the Head of Goliath

- St. Bibiana

- Saint Andrew and Saint Thomas

- Bust of Cardinal Scipione Borghese

- Portrait of a Man with a Moustache

- Portrait of a Man with a Moustache (Supposed Self Portrait)

- Portrait of a Young Man

- Pope Urban VIII

- Bust of Pope Urban VIII

- Sepulchre of Matilda the Great Countess

- Charity Tomb of Urban VIII

- Bust of Costanza Buonarelli

- Self-Portrait

- Self-Portrait as a Mature Man

- Charles I, King of England

Gian Lorenzo Bernini Artworks Stickers(圖2)-速報App

- Portrait of a Boy

- St. Longinus

- The Ecstasy of St. Teresa

- Portrait Bust of Cardinal Richelieu

- Tomb of Pope Urban VIII

- Daniel and the Lion

- St. Augustine

- The Emperor Constantine

- The Four Rivers Fountain

- The Ecstasy of St. Teresa

- Truth Unveiled by Time

- Angel with the Inscription of I.N.R.I.

- Altar Cross

- Saint Jerome

- Memorial Bust of Gabriele Fonseca

- St. Jerome

- The Throne of Saint Peter

- Standing Angel with Scroll

- Equestrian Statue of King Louis XIV

- St. Agnese

- The Blessed Lodovica Albertoni

- Tomb of Pope Alexander VII

- Altar of the Cappella del Sacramento

- Cardinal Scipione Borghese

- Constantine the Great

- Mathilde of Tuscany Sun

- Medusa

Gian Lorenzo Bernini Artworks Stickers(圖3)-速報App

- The Angel of the Crown of Thorns

- Time Arrested by Death

支援平台:iPhone, iPad