速報APP / 商業 / Debtinator




檔案大小:4.5 MB


版本需求:OS X 10.10 或以上版本,64 位元處理器



Get your debt under control the right way.

Everybody that has debt knows they should get rid of it - it's crippling and can overwhelm and consume your life. Especially with this economy being as unpredictable as it is, it's not a good time to have a high debt load.

But it's not nearly as easy getting out of it as it was into it.


Some plans or applications tell you to just send a little bit more to your debts and wach them melt away. And that's awesome! But you can do better. Because when it comes down to it, you're still just guessing. "Hmm, I think I can spare another $20 to my credit card this month." And then you make projections based on your guess and just hope and hope that you guessed right. Because if you were wrong, then all those projections are bogus.

Debtinator is more intelligent. Instead of relying upon you to guess how much money you can send, you instead describe your financial situation and it figures out how much money you have available to send for you.

So you tell it your income, your recurring expenses, and describe your debt load. It analyzes all of this and figures out just how much money you really have available to send to your debts. Sure, maybe you can spare $20 to your credit card this month. But maybe next month you could actually send $50. And the month after that $80. And the month after that, you can't send anything extra because your car insurance payment is due. You did remember that you have to pay your car insurance every 6 months when you guessed you could send an extra $20, right? Debtinator remembered.


And the best part is - it works within your lifestyle. If you want to spend $50/month eating out and $100/month on movies and $200/month on purchases here in the App Store, you're welcome to do it. Debtinator doesn't judge. We're not trying to make you pay off your debt our way, we're trying to show you how to pay it off your way.

If you don't like the results? Change 'em! Spend $25/month eating out instead and see what sort of impact it has. If it saves you more in interest and gets you out of debt sooner, then so much the better. Or go the other way - maybe budgeting $75/month for eating out will only keep you in debt for another 3 months and cost you a couple hundred bucks more. Is eating out more for the next few years worth the little bit of extra time it'll take you to pay off your debts? We don't know. The point is you get to decide what works for you, Debtinator just works with it.

It doesn't matter if you have $5,000 in debt or $500,000. Better planning yields better results. Wouldn't you love to pay off your mortgage in 7 years instead of 30? If it can be done, Debtinator will show you how.


The savings are potentially huge. A little work and planning is going to recoup the registration fee in nothing flat, knock out your debts, and brighten your future.

Feature requests? Problems? Bugs? Contact us and let us know! We hate bugs in the app even more than you do - it's handling your money and our reputation, and it's gotta be flawless. So if you have trouble, tell us so we can fix it. Feature requests are always welcome, too! We can't promise to implement everything, but suggestions are always a good thing. So please, talk to us should the need arise. We pride ourselves on our customer service.
