


檔案大小:37.9 MB


版本需求:需要 iOS 11.2 或以上版本。與 iPhone、iPad 及 iPod touch 相容。



The Official Aavia iOS App

The Aavia app easily syncs with your Aavia smart pill case to help you take your birth control pill on time, every time. Requires Aavia case for full functionality. Pre-order the Aavia case at www.aavia.io to receive it as early as September. Or join the Aavia Insiders’ Club to receive the beta prototype as early as next week!

01 Insight Into Your Pill-Taking Habits

No more trying to remember when you took your last pill, or how many you have left in the month.

02 Logical Reminders

Aavia knows to keep reminding you until you’ve actually taken your pill and not to send reminders if you’ve already taken it.


03 Custom Messaging

Need a laugh? Want to be discreet? Set your notifications to say whatever works for you — Psst. Your latte is ready for pickup.

04 Automatic Time Zone Adjustments

Worry about #1LessThing when traveling.

06 Bluetooth Connection

So you don’t need to carry the case around with you. Bluetooth, baby.
